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Most viewed - Amateur Radio
Yaesu FT-101E 160-10 Meter AM/SSB at the San Clemente Base Station5 viewsThe original FT-101 series lasted for 8 years, beginning in late 1971 and lasting through 1979. This was the most popular and the most produced model by Yaesu in the FT-101 series. The FT-101 line at the San Clemente Base was purchased in 1976 by the original owner, a silent-key east-coast amateur operator. It is a "Late Model" version, with a serial # well above 20,501. I am the second owner of this line and am astounded at the care the original operator gave the equipment. There isn't a scratch on it! It has the Speech processor for SSB and the optional CW filter installed.
Tuning in Tokyo (Literally)5 views
Galaxy Saturn Turbo5 viewsThe Galaxy Saturn Turbo, MFJ-969, IMAX 2000 vertical antenna and a D104 Night Eagle make up the 10/11 Meter base. This radio has the ComSpec SS-64 tone board installed in order to access the N6LIZ repeater on 29.660 mHz.
First pipe installed5 viewsHere are the first two 10' sections of the piping after coupling and gluing.
Arrow OSJ 146/4405 viewsYou can see my Arrow VHF/UHF J-pole in the distance.
Unpacked!5 viewsEquipment unpacked - check. Antenna up - check. Time for beer.
American Flag5 viewsIn hindsight, we should've placed the flag on the pole BEFORE we erected it. Since we didn't, it was only at arms length.
Pride DX-3004 viewsA Pride DX300, which ran on a single ceramic tube.
So many toys, so little time4 views
Texas Star DX4004 viewsMy favorite mobile amp yet. Super reliable and cool as a cucumber, even after hours of QSO.
KMEX Bench4 viewsMy Galaxy Turbo and Astatic D104 Night Eagle, on the bench of my old radio room.
The Bad Boy Galaxy Saturn Turbo4 viewsCurrently setup on my base, using a 102" whip mounted to the patio railing at 45°! SWR is (incredibly) 1.5:1 @ 27.345MHz
Tokai PW-50564 views
Alan 90014 views
Yaesu FT-101E Transceiver4 viewsMy new (Nov, 2007) HF base station, including auxiliary VFO and dual cabinet speakers. Real radios GLOW in the dark!
Heterodyne Frequency Meter CKB-740284 views
Wilson Ground Plane4 views
4-Second exposure shot of FT-101 Line4 viewsAside from the light from my computer LCD, the room was completely dark. Exposure was set for 4 seconds on the digital camera. The LCD provided enough light to cast shadows behind the radio setup.
Nice shot of the 12BY7A pre-driver tube4 views
Initial Setup4 viewsThis was the first rendition of the station.
MFJ-9864 viewsThis is my newest manual antenna tuner. My other one won't handle more than 300 watt's. The 986 handles up to 2K. It should be sufficient for now.
Inside shot of Ball Mount install4 viewsSWR was improved from 1.5 to 1.1 after shortening the exposed section of the center conductor. To improve grounding, the primer/paint was removed by using a dremel tool with a sanding wheel. Conductive paste was coated on all bare metal surfaces to improve conductivity and prevent rust/corrosion.
4 viewsThe very back right-corner is where I wanted to start the North end of my dipole. Very cramped.
North side piping complete4 viewsTwo 10' sections and a 5' section all coupled and glued.
351 files on 15 page(s)